Friday, July 14, 2017

Fort Flagler, Marestone Island

Fort Flagler State Park on Marestone Island is one of my favorite places to camp in the Northwest and a great place to sketch as well. The weather was on the chilly side and most of the time overcast affording me an opportunity to try and capture the essence of the ever changing cloud patterns. Pentalic's 140# watercolor journal pages are perfect for working wet-in-wet which is how using Derwent watercolor pencils the sky in these sketches were done. I wet the page first then with my waterbrush pull pigment off the pencil onto the page allowing the pigment to be manipulated just like regular watercolors. Derwent french gray, blue gray, deep indigo and ultramarine blue were the primary colors used for the sky.

For a brief period in the early part of the 20th century Fort Flagler along with Fort Worden in Port Townsend and Fort Casey on Whidbey Island protected the entrance to Puget Sound from potential enemy ships. The three forts were part of what was known at the time as the triangle of death. Now all three forts are part of Washington State Parks and wonderful places to explore and experience part of the military history of the Northwest.

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