I forgot to bring my white Faber-Castell Pitt Pen,, so I needed to add some touch-ups to both of my sketches when I got home. I love how black, grey and white markers (I used a Micron .01 pen also) work on toned paper...partly because you get one more value from the value of the paper. I think the warmth of the paper's tone also adds appealing contrast to the cool grey values.
There were 17 of us present at this Ad Hoc sketch outing....here, you can see a few of us at one end of a long table enjoying the nearby sketches.
Four of our sketchers had to leave before our group photo...but we're still a pretty large group as you can see? Why? Because this Ad Hoc Sketch-outing was due to 'popular demand!'
After our very first regular sketch-outing hosted by Mary McInnis (with a great deal of research and support by Feather Hilger to help get this new Regular Monthly sketch-out 'up and running') ...we were all very happy to finally have one new sketch-outing to especially serve folks living in the greater Gig-Harbor area!!! During lunch....sketchers talked and plotted..and hoped...and finally checked with me and with Mary: "Do you think we could meet both the second and the fourth Thursdays of the month?"
As you can see, the Ad Hoc was wildly successful! Now what? Well, Charli is willing to set one up for March, too.
I've been letting everyone know that any additional sketch-outing will need to remain an Ad Hoc Outing, until we have full support and figure out all the 'bells and whistles' for our Regular second Thursday of the month outing. Until we do, it is the nature of an Ad Hoc Outing that anyone can propose one, post an invitation to come sketch. Sometimes an individual may put out an invitation for an ad hoc outing (any day of the week, any time preferred) and a couple of other sketchers will arrive to join them. Sometimes, you wind up sketching alone as no one was free to join you. But, since you chose a place you wanted to sketch, all is good!
For those interested in regular volunteer leadership in USk-Tacoma:
The Qualifications for a Regular Sketch-Outing Host *
Participate regularly in USk-Tacoma sketch-outings.
Post 'urban sketches' to Urban Sketcher sites regularly.
Do a regular article on the USk-Tacoma blog.
Lead a regular sketch-outing year-round (with back-up)
* Not all Co-administrators are necessarily Sketch-Outing Hosts. Any of our six current Co-administrators may host an outing occasionally as a back-up host, even though they may primarily carry out other roles for USk-Tacoma, such as computer tech, or art show organizer, videographer for events, etc.
*The current Co-Administrators of
USk-Tacoma are:
Frances Buckmaster, Darsie Beck, Mary
McInnis, Kate Buike, Mark Ryan, and Rom LaVerdiere.
*Another leadership role in USk-Tacoma: Blog Correspondent
Qualifications: The first three in the Qualifications list above, plus willingness to regularly post articles of interest to sketchers.
*The current Blog Correspondents: Feather Hilger and Beverly Choltco-Devlin....and all of the Co-administrators.
*If you are interested in Co-administration or in becoming a Blog Correspondent, or becoming an occasional volunteer for a specific task, be sure to let me or any of us who are Co-administrators know, and let's start the discussion!
Best Regards,
Frances Buckmaster
My goodness! I just re-read (and corrected) some of the dates in my initial version of the above article. We've had so many new 'outings' that I scrambled dates. I think it's all correct now. My new admonition to self: Don't garden for four hours and then try to write a blog article!!! Sorry for any inconvenience to anyone!