Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sketch outing and Art Show Reception

 by Kate Buike

This was an all day event for Urban Sketcher Tacoma.  First, we had a sketch outing in and around the main library in Tacoma.  I hung around the library and only went outside to do one sketch.  This is a small gargoyle guarding the Clock Tower Square.

As usual, we met to share sketches and have a group photo.

Then we held the opening reception for our Tacoma Urban Sketchers show in the afternoon.  There were 26 artists and 81 framed sketches! When I first walked through in the morning I was so impressed by how good it looked!  There were a number of competing events around the region but we did get a steady stream of people dropping in to look around.  Several seemed interested in joining us for sketch outings in the future.

There are lots more photos of smaller groupings of the framed prints here:


  1. Congrats, USk Tacoma! Wish I could've been there for the opening but hope to catch the show later.


  2. What a great show! And we had a constant stream of people at the reception with a bit of a flurry right at 1. I was sad I didn't get to sketch with everyone, but I am SO glad the library was able to provide this opportunity for both the sketch out and the reception and the show. The show runs through September 6th so if you didn't get a chance to see it, there is still another month. Here are links to the Main Library hours. And info about the exhibit

  3. And LOVE LOVE LOVE this sketch, Kate! It was wonderful seeing everyone's interpretation og the library.


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