Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A Sunny Bothell Day

It was 54ºF, and sunny. So, I went to the Sammamish River Park, took out my scooter and helmet, strapped on my Darsie Beck bag, and hunted for sketchables.

This was drawn on my iPhone and the Procreate app.

The bent mossy tree caught my eye and the reflections on the the creek running along the Sammamish River. While I was doing this, a kid on a stroller was having a tantrum. I was surprised at my reaction to her high-pitched squeals. You see, though I need hearing aid to understand conversations, I am sensitive to noise, especially high-pitched sounds. But this time, maybe because I was drawing nature, as opposed to say, a city scene, I heard the squeals like hearing ducks quacking and geese honking. Just part of nature symphony.

Anyway - here's the first sketch.

Then I mounted my scooter and after a couple of yards, I saw this blue heron. It just stood there, unmoving, a willing model! So I dismounted and sketched this beauty. It waited for me to finish the portrait, and it slowly walked away as I finished the rest of the scene.

Then my wife texted me that she's sick and coming home. So I scooted back to my car, and drove back home. That's where I saw our neighbor's daughter on their driveway selling her origami creations. So I went over, bought one of $1.75, and sketched her, then gave the sketch to her. 

So that's my sketching life this Tuesday of the Holy Week.
Sketch on!

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