Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Bunny buns

What a day!  It felt like we had suddenly launched into summer.  With perfect weather predicted I thought it would be a good day to sketch the bunnies!  This is a sculpture at Point Ruston.  I've had my eye on these charming and whimsical rabbits for quite some time. 

My first stop, though, was for an outdoor lunch on the patio from Wild Fin's Fish Bar.  There were so many people out and about that my wait was over 30 minutes!  I did a very quick ink sketch only to realize I would have had time for a longer one!  

Sitting on the brick pavers next to a concrete planter I became rather warm!  I like getting the unexpected back view of animals and animal sculptures... it all started with the horses' read ends
as they stood in their stalls at the Fair !   So, I give you the buns' buns......

This sculpture is officially known as Hip Hop, By Georgia Gerber
Material: Bronze | 2013
"Hip-Hop” is an expression of joy, movement, and whimsy. The form was originally created in 2007 as part of Georgia’s ongoing series of sculptures depictingstylized rabbits in various dance poses."

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