Saturday, November 4, 2017

There's always a first time.

As a group, we've never been asked to leave a venue. Today was a first. One of us had called last week and we thought we had permission but there was obviously a misunderstanding.

The pub we'd planned to sketch in and then have lunch could not host so many of us, which was about 18-20.Understandable, given that it is a football Saturday and they looked busy already.

Frances suggested we go to Foss Waterway Seaport Museum. We're so welcome there that they've given us free memberships to come sketch! It turned out to be the perfect solution.

That also gave us a chance to get an early viewing of the show by our members Darsie Beck and Ken Fulton. It looks great!

I did a montage focusing on young students' assemblages about cleaning up our water. The bottom right is a goofy looking flounder covered in nets with plastic trash around it. Above him is a section of a 5 foot long salmon made of recycled plastic milk  jugs, surrounded by fish made out of various bits of plastic. And last was a hand made of plastic bags over a chicken wire frame. It holds a bowl of plastic bottle caps, each indicating a visitor's promise to make one change that will help clean up the water.

Here is the group, though I learned later 3 or 4 stayed behind at our original venue and at least one went home.

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