Saturday, December 2, 2017

Flexible at the Freighthouse

For our First Saturday outing, we were scheduled to sketch in a children's tea room. Tom had made the arrangements but when we arrived, it was locked up. He came prepared and called the owners, who had forgotten. They sent an employee from their main venue but he didn't have a key that worked!

Good thing Urban Sketchers are flexible and pretty much happy to sketch anything. The rest of Freighthouse Square was decorated for the holidays with lots of interesting scenes to draw. We just spread out and carried on.  

I only got one sketch done as I spent a bit of time talking. First, I thought I might sketch some of the holiday decor. But I moved down to the food court and those neon signs just pulled me in! I've long wanted to sketch this Fish & Chips sign. I'm still working on simplifying complex scenes and I think I did OK with this one. That's what has stumped me before when I wanted to sketch the sign.  Bonus: getting another sketcher in the image.

It was a fun day, despite the snag at the beginning. Three new sketchers to the group and so many great sketches at the throw-down. Most of us went to the food court for lunch, grabbed a very long table and had interesting conversations along with our food. 

A couple more photos here:

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