Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Meet the Correspondent: KaCe Whitacre

Kathryn Cecelia "KaCe" Whitacre
I was born in Eastern Washington the day after Christmas during a horrible cold snap that froze the gas line in my parent’s car. My family was of pioneer stock, my grandfather was born in Washington Territory in 1886. I grew up as an Air Force dependent, living on Fairchild AFB, WA, Naha, Okinawa, Charleston, SC, Travis AFB, CA, & Elmondorf AFB, AK. I have one younger sister, Pam; a loving husband, Jim and a lovely daughter, Karyn. I am an artist. I like sumi painting, calligraphy, book arts and working with glass; I do wire work and bead work in jewelry and some sewn projects. I also enjoy sketching... because of Urban Sketchers/Tacoma.
My First Time with USkT 
My best friend, Peg, invited me to my first USk/Tacoma event in 2015. I have tried to make as many as possible. Then my cousin, Leith, challenged me to do 30 days of art. So I did. and I began to draw with purpose and to carve out time for doing it. Everyone in Urban Sketchers has their own unique style and I’m no different. I tried to be a minimalist, but you can see from my first sketch I was more detail oriented. So I took October of 2017 to come to accept that my style is detail and I’ll not be a more spontaneous sketcher. This realization came from discussions with other USk/T members and my friends. I needed to listen to who I am. It is a good thing to have people who will help you with these “Ah-Ha” Moments in your life. 


I attended two high schools both out of Washington. Then I came back here for college at Western in Bellingham. I studied Education and my major was languages until I walked through the Industrial Arts building. There I found my true calling. I love working with my hands and designing practical things. My father gave me this love of working with my hands by teaching me to use his table saw at 9 and how to tie flies at 10. When I was about 11 he helped me get into an architectural drawing class— making me my T-square and drawing board. I was taught by him that I can do or be anyting and so I do many things that are not typical for women. I’ve driven 18 wheelers, flame throwing tank, and taught juniot high general shop in Seattle’s John Marshall (no longer a school). Today I do wiring, plumbing, tile laying, wood floors and all manner of construction for our rentals. (I’m also an associate member of the NW Land Surveyors Association in Bellingham.

I have always drawn, but don’t know why. I’ve never really pondered that question but since I could hold a pencil, I’ve drawn. I have books that I’ve drawn in over the years. Below are two sketches from 1997 and 2007. Until I found USk/T I didn’t really think about others who drew. Now I know there is a whole cadre of like minded artists who capture what they see honestly and share their work. That is what I indend to do here. As an artist I have worked in warm glass (fusing), and sandblasting glass, calligraphy, Japanese sumi-e, bookbinding, bead work and wire worked jewelry, watercolor and printmaking. I may mention some of these from time to time, but Urban Sketching will be my focus here. I write about my art on FB at A2Z Studio. You are welcome to follow me there. I’m working on a wordpress website, but it is aways off. I love learning, and hope to learn much by posting here. You are always welcome to contact me. BTW, I go by KaCe short for my first and middle name. Pronounced KC.

A winding road in Scotland with trees lining roadway and a stone bridge over a creek.
On our way to St. Andrews Golf Course in Scotland 1997
Riding the express bus to Seattle to see a cousin. 2007.

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