Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Escaping the Rain

It was pouring rain first thing in the morning. But an intrepid group of sketchers met anyway and were rewarded with drier, if cool, weather.

We mostly escaped the rain this morning at Chinese Reconciliation Park.  The String of Pearls Bridge and Fuzhaou Ting were popular subjects.

"The purpose of the community-led reconciliation project is to acknowledge the 1885 expulsion of Tacoma’s Chinese citizens and to honor the commitment Tacoma has made since to end racism and hatred, and to promote a peaceful, multicultural community."

The Fuzhou Ting was a gift from Tacoma's sister city of Fuzhou, China.  It was crafted in Chine and constructed on site.  I couldn't find any information about the String of Pearls.  

  I wanted to show the Ting in it's Tacoma context, with the Ruston Way overpass on the right. 

I've sketched the bridge once or twice before.  This time I picked a view from near the beach with lots of rocks and driftwood in the foreground.

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